
You get two — we're building applications here, not authoring medical journals.

Order #1011

import { Heading } from '@/components/heading'

function Example() {
  return (
    <div className="flex w-full flex-wrap items-end justify-between gap-4 border-b border-zinc-950/10 pb-6 dark:border-white/10">
      <Heading>Order #1011</Heading>
      <div className="flex gap-4">
        <Button outline>Refund</Button>
        <Button>Resend invoice</Button>

Component API

Heading extends the JSX <h1> element
This component does not expose any component-specific props.
Subheading extends the JSX <h2> element
This component does not expose any component-specific props.


Basic heading example

Use the Heading component to add a primary heading to a page:

Recent orders

import { Heading } from '@/components/heading'

function Example() {
  return <Heading>Recent orders</Heading>

The Heading component renders an h1 by default, which you can customize with the level prop.

Basic subheading example

Use the Subheading component to add a subheading to a page:

Recent orders

import { Subheading } from '@/components/heading'

function Example() {
  return <Subheading>Recent orders</Subheading>

The Subheading component renders an h2 by default, which you can customize with the level prop.

With custom level

Use the level prop to render a different heading element for semantic purposes while still maintaining the same visual styles:

Recent orders

import { Heading } from '@/components/heading'

function Example() {
  return <Heading level={2}>Recent orders</Heading>