
If you can put it in a database, you can put it in a table.

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

Component API

Table extends the JSX <table> element
bleedfalseWhether the table should bleed into the gutter.
densefalseWhether the table should use condensed spacing.
gridfalseWhether display vertical grid lines.
stripedfalseWhether display striped table rows.
TableHead extends the JSX <thead> element
This component does not expose any component-specific props.
TableBody extends the JSX <tbody> element
This component does not expose any component-specific props.
TableRow extends the JSX <tr> element
href-The URL for the row when used as a link.
target-The target for the row when used as a link.
title-The title for the row whe used as a link.
TableHeader extends the JSX <th> element
This component does not expose any component-specific props.
TableCell extends the JSX <td> element
This component does not expose any component-specific props.


Basic example

Use the Table, TableHead, TableBody, TableRow, TableHeader, and TableCell components to build a table:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

Responsive tables

Tables automatically become scrollable when they are wider than their container:

Leslie Alexander@lesliealexanderCo-Founder / CEOleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Foster@michaelfosterCo-Founder / CTOmichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincent@driesvincentBusiness Relationsdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Walton@lindsaywaltonFront-end Developerlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henry@courtneyhenryDesignercourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

Set the CSS --gutter variable to match the padding of the containing element to make sure the table isn't cropped unnecessarily when it becomes scrollable. You can change the gutter responsively using media query variants, such as sm:[--gutter:--spacing(4)].

Full-width tables

Use the bleed prop and set the CSS --gutter variable to match the padding of the containing element to make a table full-width:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table bleed className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

Full-width tables are still responsive and will become scrollable if they don't fit within the containing element.

Use the href prop on the TableRow component to treat an entire row like a link:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle} href={user.url}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

When used as a link, TableRow also accepts the target and title props like a regular link.

With condensed spacing

Use the dense prop to render the table with condensed spacing:

1Mitchell MarnerR80306999+18
2William NylanderR82404787+10
3Auston MatthewsC74404585+31
4John TavaresC80364480-7
5Michael BuntingL82232649+21
6Morgan RiellyD6543741-9
7Calle JarnkrokC73201939+9
8Alex KerfootC82102232+8
9David KampfC8272027+6
10Mark GiordanoD7842024+27
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ players }) {
  return (
    <Table dense className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
          <TableHeader className="text-right">Pos</TableHeader>
          <TableHeader className="text-right">GP</TableHeader>
          <TableHeader className="text-right">G</TableHeader>
          <TableHeader className="text-right">A</TableHeader>
          <TableHeader className="text-right">P</TableHeader>
          <TableHeader className="text-right">+/-</TableHeader>
        { => (
          <TableRow key={player.rank}>
            <TableCell className="tabular-nums">{player.rank}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-right">{player.position}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-right tabular-nums">{player.gamesPlayed}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-right tabular-nums">{player.goals}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-right tabular-nums">{player.assists}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-right tabular-nums">{player.points}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-right tabular-nums">{player.plusMinus}</TableCell>

With grid lines

Use the grid prop to render the table with vertical grid lines:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table grid className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

With striped rows

Use the striped prop to render the table with striped rows and no horizontal borders:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table striped className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

With different heading color

Use the text-{color} utilities on the TableRow component inside your TableHead to change the color of table headings:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
        <TableRow className="text-zinc-950 dark:text-white">
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>

With complex content

Tables are unopinionated about their content and will adapt to just about anything you include:

import { Avatar } from '@/components/avatar'
import { Badge } from '@/components/badge'
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

export function ComplexExample({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
              <div className="flex items-center gap-4">
                <Avatar src={user.avatarUrl} className="size-12" />
                  <div className="font-medium">{}</div>
                  <div className="text-zinc-500">
                    <a href="#" className="hover:text-zinc-700">
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>
              { ? <Badge color="lime">Online</Badge> : <Badge color="zinc">Offline</Badge>}

With pagination

Add a Pagination component below your table to add pagination controls:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import {
} from '@/components/pagination'
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
      <h1 className="mb-6 text-base font-semibold">Users</h1>
          { => (
            <TableRow key={user.handle}>
              <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
              <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>
      <Pagination className="mt-6">
        <PaginationPrevious href="?page=2" />
          <PaginationPage href="?page=1">1</PaginationPage>
          <PaginationPage href="?page=2">2</PaginationPage>
          <PaginationPage href="?page=3" current>
          <PaginationPage href="?page=4">4</PaginationPage>
          <PaginationGap />
          <PaginationPage href="?page=65">65</PaginationPage>
          <PaginationPage href="?page=66">66</PaginationPage>
        <PaginationNext href="?page=4" />

Use the mt-* utilities to control the space between the table and the pagination controls.

With dropdowns

Use the Dropdown component within a TableCell to add a dropdown menu:

Leslie Alexanderleslie.alexander@example.comAdmin
Michael Fostermichael.foster@example.comOwner
Dries Vincentdries.vincent@example.comMember
Lindsay Waltonlindsay.walton@example.comMember
Courtney Henrycourtney.henry@example.comAdmin
import { Dropdown, DropdownButton, DropdownItem, DropdownMenu } from '@/components/dropdown'
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'
import { EllipsisHorizontalIcon } from '@heroicons/react/16/solid'

function Example({ users }) {
  return (
    <Table className="[--gutter:--spacing(6)] sm:[--gutter:--spacing(8)]">
          <TableHeader className="relative w-0">
            <span className="sr-only">Actions</span>
        { => (
          <TableRow key={user.handle}>
            <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
            <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>
              <div className="-mx-3 -my-1.5 sm:-mx-2.5">
                  <DropdownButton plain aria-label="More options">
                    <EllipsisHorizontalIcon />
                  <DropdownMenu anchor="bottom end">

When adding elements like dropdowns to a table (especially with the plain style), consider using negative margins to avoid increasing the size of the table cell. For instance, in the example above we've added -my-1.5 to make sure the dropdown only takes up 24px of vertical space in the actual layout, which matches the height of the text in the other cells.

In dialog

Add a Table to your DialogBody component to include a table in a dialog:

import { Button } from '@/components/button'
import { Dialog, DialogActions, DialogBody, DialogDescription, DialogTitle } from '@/components/dialog'
import { Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow } from '@/components/table'
import { useState } from 'react'

function Example({ users }) {
  let [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false)

  return (
      <Button type="button" onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}>
        Show users
      <Dialog open={isOpen} onClose={setIsOpen} size="3xl">
        <DialogDescription>The follow users have access to your account.</DialogDescription>
          <Table bleed compact>
              { => (
                <TableRow key={user.handle}>
                  <TableCell className="font-medium">{}</TableCell>
                  <TableCell className="text-zinc-500">{user.access}</TableCell>
          <Button onClick={() => setIsOpen(false)}>Close</Button>

When using tables within dialogs, the --gutter variable is automatically set to match the dialog's padding.