
With multiple choice, you've always got a chance at getting the right answer.

Resale and transfers

Decide if people buy tickets from you or from scalpers.

Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.

Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.

import { Description, Fieldset, Label, Legend } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'
import { Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Legend>Resale and transfers</Legend>
      <Text>Decide if people buy tickets from you or from scalpers.</Text>
      <RadioGroup name="resale" defaultValue="permit">
          <Radio value="permit" />
          <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
          <Description>Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.</Description>
          <Radio value="forbid" />
          <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>
          <Description>Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.</Description>

Component API

RadioGroup extends the Headless UI <RadioGroup> component
disabledfalseWhether or not to disable the entire list.
name-The name to use when submitting an HTML form.
defaultValue-The initially selected value.
value-The controlled value of the radio group.
onChange-Handler to call when the state changes.
Radio extends the Headless UI <Radio> component
colordark/zincThe color variant the radio should use.
disabledfalseWhether or not to disable the radio.
value-The value to use when submitting an HTML form.
RadioField extends the Headless UI <Field> component
disabledfalseWhether or not to disable the entire field.
Label extends the Headless UI <Label> component
This component does not expose any component-specific props.
Description extends the Headless UI <Description> component
This component does not expose any component-specific props.


Basic example

Use the RadioGroup, RadioField, Radio, and Label components to create a simple radio group:

import { Label } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'

function Example() {
  return (
    <RadioGroup name="resale" defaultValue="permit" aria-label="Resale and transfers">
        <Radio value="permit" />
        <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
        <Radio value="forbid" />
        <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>

We recommend adding an aria-label for assistive technology, or connecting the RadioGroup to your own label using aria-labelledby.

With description

Use the RadioField, Label, and Description components to add a description below the radio:

Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.

Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.

import { Description, Label } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'

function Example() {
  return (
    <RadioGroup name="resale" defaultValue="permit" aria-label="Resale and transfers">
        <Radio value="permit" />
        <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
        <Description>Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.</Description>
        <Radio value="forbid" />
        <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>
        <Description>Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.</Description>

With custom layout

Use the Radio component with the unstyled components from @headlessui/react to implement custom layouts that still use the styled radio button:

How would you rate your experience?
import { Radio } from '@/components/radio'
import * as Headless from '@headlessui/react'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Headless.Legend className="text-base/6 font-medium sm:text-sm/6">
        How would you rate your experience?
      <Headless.RadioGroup name="rating" defaultValue={3} className="mt-4 flex gap-6 sm:gap-8">
        {[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map((rating) => (
          <Headless.Field key={rating} className="flex items-center gap-2">
            <Radio value={rating} />
            <Headless.Label className="text-base/6 select-none sm:text-sm/6">{rating}</Headless.Label>

Using the unstyled components from Headless UI will ensure important accessibility features are still handled for you like generating IDs and associating elements using aria-* attributes.

With accent color

Use the color prop to choose a different accent color for a checkbox:

import { Label } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'

function Example() {
  return (
    <RadioGroup name="resale" defaultValue="permit" aria-label="Resale and transfers">
        <Radio color="sky" value="permit" />
        <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
        <Radio color="sky" value="forbid" />
        <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>

For a full list of included color variants, check out the radio color reference.

Default selected state

Use the defaultValue prop to set the default selected option for a RadioGroup:

import { Label } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'

function Example() {
  return (
    <RadioGroup name="resale" defaultValue="permit" aria-label="Resale and transfers">
        <Radio value="permit" />
        <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
        <Radio value="forbid" />
        <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>

Controlled component

Use the value and onChange props to use a RadioGroup as a controlled component:

import { Label } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'
import { useState } from 'react'

function Example() {
  let [selected, setSelected] = useState('permit')

  return (
    <RadioGroup value={selected} onChange={setSelected}>
        <Radio value="permit" />
        <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
        <Radio value="forbid" />
        <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>

With fieldset

Use the Fieldset, Legend, and Text components to add a title and description to a radio group:

Resale and transfers

Decide if people buy tickets from you or from scalpers.

Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.

Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.

import { Description, Fieldset, Label, Legend } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'
import { Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Legend>Resale and transfers</Legend>
      <Text>Decide if people buy tickets from you or from scalpers.</Text>
      <RadioGroup name="resale" defaultValue="permit">
          <Radio value="permit" />
          <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
          <Description>Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.</Description>
          <Radio value="forbid" />
          <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>
          <Description>Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.</Description>

When used with a Fieldset and Legend, you don't need to add a separate aria-label to the RadioGroup itself.

Disabled state

Add the disabled prop to a Radio or RadioField component to disable it:

Resale and transfers

Decide if people buy tickets from you or from scalpers.

Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.

Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.

import { Description, Fieldset, Label, Legend } from '@/components/fieldset'
import { Radio, RadioField, RadioGroup } from '@/components/radio'
import { Text } from '@/components/text'

function Example() {
  return (
      <Legend>Resale and transfers</Legend>
      <Text>Decide if people buy tickets from you or from scalpers.</Text>
      <RadioGroup name="resale" defaultValue="permit">
          <Radio value="permit" />
          <Label>Allow tickets to be resold</Label>
          <Description>Customers can resell or transfer their tickets if they can’t make it to the event.</Description>
        <RadioField disabled>
          <Radio value="forbid" />
          <Label>Don’t allow tickets to be resold</Label>
          <Description>Tickets cannot be resold or transferred to another person.</Description>

You can also add the disabled prop to a RadioGroup or Fieldset to disable all of the radio buttons in that group.


Color reference

By default, Catalyst includes two adaptive color variants that automatically change color between and dark modes to maintain a consistent level of contrast:


Catalyst also includes 20 solid colors that don't change outside of subtle global changes we make to all radios in dark mode:
